Sabtu, 31 Januari 2015

Fatigue free span analysis

NV RP F105 menyatakan bahwa free span pada pipa harus memenuhi syarat kriteria screening fatigue. Bila free span pipa memenuhi kriteria tersebut, berarti pipa telah memenuhi kriteria fatigue dengan life span 50 tahun. Kriteria screening fatigue bahwa frekuensi natural pipa harus lebih besar dari frekuensi respon pipa akibat beban lingkungan. Jika nilai frekuensi respon pipa sama dengan frekuensi natural pipa maka akan mengakibatkan amplitudo yang maksimum sehingga dapat membuat pipa gagal. Jika frekuensi respon pipa nilainya lebih besar dari frekuensi natural pipa akan mengakibatkan amplitudo yang kecil namun dengan getaran yang lebih cepat sehingga perlu dilakukan analisis kriteria fatigue dari pipa. Oleh karena itu jika screening fatigue tidak terpenuhi maka perlu dilakukan kriteria fatigue dan jika screening fatigue terpenuhi maka dapat diteruskan pada ULS (Ultimate Limit State) check.

Bergetarnya pipa akibat arus yang terjadi dilaut terjadi pada dua arah yaitu arah in-line dan cross-flow. Kriteria screening fatigue untuk masing-masing arah dinyatakan dengan rumus

C1–C3 = koefisien kondisi perletakan
Esteel = modulus Young material
Isteel = momen inersia material
CSF = faktor kekakuan dari beton
Me = massa efektif pipa
D = diameter terluar pipa
Pcr = beban critical bucklin, dihitung berdasarkan rumus

Leff = panjang span efektif
δIL = defleksi statik arah in-line
δCF = defleksi statik arah cross flow
Seff = gaya aksial efektif

Daftar Pustaka :

Pipeline Hot Tap

Hot tapping, or pressure tapping, is the method of making a connection to existing piping or pressure vessels without the interruption of emptying that section of pipe or vessel. This means that a pipe or tank can continue to be in operation whilst maintenance or modifications are being done to it. The process is also used to drain off pressurised casing fluids.
Hot tapping is also the first procedure in line stopping, where a hole saw is used to make an opening in the pipe, so a line plugging head can be inserted.
Situations in which welding operations are prohibited on equipment which contains:
  • Mixtures of gases or vapours within their flammable range or which may become flammable as a result of heat input in welding operations.
  • Substances which may undergo reaction or decomposition leading to a dangerous increase in pressure, explosion or attack on metal. In this context, attention is drawn to the possibility that under certain combinations of concentration, temperature and pressure, acetylene, ethylene and other unsaturated hydrocarbons may decompose explosively, initiated by a welding hot spot.
  • Oxygen-enriched atmospheres in the presence of hydrocarbons which may be present either in the atmosphere or deposited on the inside surface of the equipment or pipe.
  • Compressed air in the presence of hydrocarbons which may be present either in the air or deposited on the inside surfaces of the equipment or pipe.
  • Gaseous mixtures in which the partial pressure of hydrogen exceeds 700 kPa gauge, except where evidence from tests has demonstrated that hot-tapping can be done safely.
Based on the above, welding on equipment or pipe which contains hazardous substances or conditions as listed below (even in small quantities) shall not be performed unless positive evidence has been obtained that welding/hot tapping can be applied safely.

Typical Hot Tpping Procedure
1) A fitting is permanently secure to line
2) A permanent valve is installed on the fitting

3) A tapping machine is installed on the fitting and the valve is opened. After pilot drill penetrates, the tapping machine fills with product, and air is purged from the housing. The tap is make trough the line and the coupon is retained

4) The valve is closed, and the tapping machine is removed. A branch connection is added, and the valve is opened. The new connection is ready to put into service. This field proven Procedure is quick and precise.

Daftar Pustaka :

Pipeline Installation method in shallow water

S-lay Method by Conventionally Moored Lay Barges

The traditional method for installing offshore pipelines in relatively shallow water is commonly referred to as the S-Lay method because the profile of the pipe as it moves in a horizontal plane from the welding and inspection stations on the lay barge across the stern of the lay barge and onto the ocean floor forms an elongated "S." As the pipeline moves across the stern of the lay barge and before it reaches the ocean floor, the pipe is supported by a truss-like circular structure equipped with rollers and known as a stinger. The purpose of the stinger in the S-lay configuration is to control the deflection of the pipe in the over-bend region above the pipeline inflection point in order to return the angle of the pipeline at the surface to the horizontal. The curvature radius of the stinger corresponds to at least the maximum bending stress. To avoid a bending moment peak at the last roller, the pipe must lift off smoothly from the stinger well ahead of the lower end of the stinger.

In extremely deep water the angle of the pipe becomes so steep that the required stinger length may not be feasible. Deeper water depths will result in a steeper lift-off angle of the suspended pipe span at the stinger tip. This will require the stinger to be longer and/or more curved to accommodate the greater arc of reverse curvature in the overbend region. Accordingly, greater stinger buoyancy and/or structural strength will be necessary to support the increased weight of the suspended pipe span.

The practical water depth limit for a large, conventionally moored lay barge that uses the S-lay method is about 1,000 ft, based on a ratio of anchor line length to water depth of about five to one. Therefore, construction of pipelines by conventionally moored lay barges, if used in conjunction with the development of deepwater oil or gas discoveries in the Gulf of Mexico, will probably be limited to those portions of the pipeline routes located in water depths less than 1,000 ft. The term "conventionally moored" means that the location or position of the installation vessel (lay barge) is maintained through anchors, associated anchor chains, and/or cables.

Smaller lay barges, in the 400 ft long by 100 ft wide size range, typically require eight anchors each weighing 30,000 lbs, and a larger barge operating in 1,000 ft of water typically requires 12 anchors (3 anchors per quarter), each weighing 50,000 lbs or more.

In general, the larger the vessel, that is, the greater the target area presented to wind, wave, and current forces, and the heavier the vessel, the higher the holding requirements will be for the mooring system. The rated holding capacity of an anchor system is a function of the weight and size of the anchor and the tensile strength of the chain or cable that secures the anchor to the vessel. An important factor to be considered when there is a choice to be made between a conventionally moored lay barge and a lay barge that uses other means, such as dynamic positioning, to remain on station is the matter of handling the anchors. To deploy and recover the anchors of a lay barge operating in 1,000 ft of water, two anchor-handling vessels with a horsepower rating of 8,000-10,000 each would be required, and there is a shortage of such vessels. On the other hand, a smaller lay barge operating in shallower water requires only one 3,000-5,000 hp anchor-handling vessel.

The number of anchor relocations per mile of offshore pipeline constructed will be dependent upon the size of the lay barge, the water depth, ocean floor conditions in the vicinity of the pipeline installation, and the amount of anchor line that can be stored, deployed, and retrieved by the lay barge. Assuming a lay barge is operating in 1,000 ft of water and is following the accepted practice of deploying an amount of anchor line equal to five times the water depth, the anchors would have to be relocated after each 2,000 ft of pipeline installed.

Minerals Management Service regulations at 30 CFR 250.1003(a)(1) require, with some exceptions, that pipelines installed in water depths of less than 200 ft be buried to a depth of at least 3 ft. The purpose of this requirement is to protect the pipeline from the external damage that could result from anchors and fishing gear, and to minimize interference with the operations of other users of the OCS. For deepwater pipelines, burial issues are a possible concern only for those pipelines that terminate onshore or at shallow-water host facilities.

The burial of a pipeline is carried out during the construction process and is usually accomplished by either a plow or a jet sled towed along the seafloor by the lay barge. Whether a plow or jet sled is used, the distance of the device from the lay barge is adjusted to position the plow or jet sled just ahead of the point where the pipe contacts the seafloor (the touchdown point). Through the action of high-pressure water jets, a jet sled creates a trench in the seafloor into which the pipeline settles. The jet sled, which generally creates more temporary turbidity in the water column than a plowing device, has an operational advantage over a plow. The area of seafloor disturbed by the pipeline burial process is typically just slightly wider than the outside diameter of the pipeline, for example, a trench approximately 15 inches wide by 3 ft deep for a 12-inch pipeline.

S-Lay Method by Dynamically Positioned Lay Barges

The term "dynamically positioned" means that the location or position of the lay barge is maintained by the vessel's very specialized propulsion and station-keeping system which, instead of or in addition to the conventional propeller-rudder system at the stern, employs a system of hullmounted thrusters near the bow, at midship, and at the stern. When in the station-keeping mode, these thrusters, which have the capability to rotate 360o in a horizontal plane, are controlled by a shipboard computer system that usually interfaces with a satellite-based geographic positioning system.

Dynamically positioned lay barges can be used in water depths as shallow as 100 ft, but generally they are not used in water less than 200 ft deep, depending upon pipe size, the nature of the job, and the location. Dynamically positioned lay barges outfitted with the equipment necessary to install reel pipe are sometimes used in shallow water.

The impact on air quality is one of the most significant differences between using a dynamically positioned lay barge and a conventionally moored lay barge to construct a pipeline. In the case of a conventionally moored vessel, the hydrocarbon-fuel-consuming prime movers that drive the propulsion system are typically shut down or operating at minimum speed, fuel consumption, and pollutant emission levels while the vessel is not under way, that is, while the vessel is engaged in pipeline installation activity. The probable requirement for tug assistance to move from station to station during an installation project and the requirement for the services of anchor-handling vessels to deploy, retrieve, and re-deploy anchors contribute to the pollutant emission levels. Contrast this to a dynamically positioned lay barge which, in order to remain on station during a pipeline installation, must constantly operate its prime movers, which drive the propulsion system.

Some examples of deepwater pipelines installed by the S-lay method from a dynamically positioned vessel (the Allseas ship Lorelay) are the 25-mile long, 14-inch gas and 12-inch oil export pipelines constructed from Shell Offshore Inc.'s Ram Powell tension leg platform at Viosca Knoll (VK) Block 956 to VK 817, and from VK 956 to Main Pass (MP) Block 289, respectively. The water depth along these routes ranges from 3,218 ft at VK 956 to 670 ft at VK 817 and 338 ft at MP 289. The Lorelay also installed three 6-inch gas pipelines in water approximately 5,400 ft deep between three subsea wells in Mississippi Canyon (MC) Block 687 and a subsea manifold in MC 685 (Shell's Mensa project).

pipeline corrosion coating

Coating Types
There are many coating types that are employed in corrosion protection of steel pipes. This protection can be broken down into 2 areas. First, main line coating where this coating is applied to every pipe section with the exception of the last 6” of both ends and second, girth weld where the pipe ends are coated in the field and after the pipe joints are welded. Main line coating types include:

·         Cold applied tapes
·         Fused tapes
·         Fusion bonded epoxy
·         2 part Urethane
·         2 and 3 layer Polyethylene

Girth weld coating types include:
·         Shrink Sleeves
·         Cold applied tapes
·         2 part liquid epoxy

Tape Application to Pipe
The pipe coating process consists of the following steps, :
·         Drying and cleaning using a grit or sand blasting to remove mil scale
·         Phosphoric acid wash and drying, if required
·         Primer spray and drying
·         Inner-wrap application continuously and spirally using precision tension control
·         Outer-wrap application continuously and spirally using precision tension control
·         Holiday Detection
·         Cut backs at both pipe ends

The above steps are carried out using detailed specifics to conform to industry and tape manufacturer application standards under the watchful eyes of a certified inspector. For example, the sand blasting step requires achieving a well defined cleanliness and anchor pattern for the primer/inner-wrap to achieve expected adhesion, primer dryness and thickness, tape tension, temperature and overlap control are among many application conditions that are required to be practiced. Both tape layers are applied with recommended tension to insure good application to the pipe, to insure good conformability at the overlap and to achieve the mechanical and chemical adhesion of the coating system to the pipe. With machine application using tension the coating experiences tension and necking down of the coatings by < 2%. This tension effect creates a “gasket effect” or flow of the adhesive at the overlap sealing the adhesive to the overlap and further creating mechanical adhesion of the coatingto the substrate and to the multiple interfaces withinthe PE tape coating system.